About PatiPati Hope spent decades being the full time care giver for her dysfunctional family of origin from a very young age. She worked full time for the Catholic Church, while raising four children, managing a family business, and giving everything to everyone – all at the same time!

Having a “road to Damascus moment” she realized suddenly that she was spending her entire life managing the unmanageable, and almost killing herself in the process. She realized that if she kept on the path she was on, that her life might soon be over and that it for sure wasn’t sustainable any more.

In that moment, Pati Hope made a decision to completely change her life and embarked on her “Journey of Self-Care” shedding everything she had owned, everything she had been taught, and everything she had done before to begin learning to trust, let go, and receive, which lead to living a magical, fulfilling, and sustainable life filled with adventure, health and happiness.

After some time spent completely transforming her life and learning the abundance of the universe, she decided it was time to parlay her talents into her own profits – and to help others to do the same. She wrote three books chronicaling her adventures (more information HERE), and the things she has learned. She founded Evolve to Live, a Non-Profit Educational Outreach Organization dedicated to raising awareness and providing resources to people in transition by promoting Self-Care as a critical component of preventative health medicine.

Pati has been recognized nationally by spearheading the effort to have each September declared “National Self-Care Month.”  She continues to live her life, travel almost constantly and share her insights and skills with groups, foundations, corporations and individuals.Her books have been Amazon Best Sellers and there are Evolve To Live Self-Care specialists now in many states across the country.

She is here today to teach YOU how to join her in this incredible way of life!