Work with Pati – Empathetic Listening – Monthly Retainer Option

Work with Pati

Empathetic Listening – Monthly Retainer Option

Transformation takes time and hours of personal processing. It’s imperative to have someone on your side who has been there and can listen with a compassionate, non-judgmental ear, offering insights and different perspectives.


  • 2 – 50 minute – Increase Your Awareness & PerspectiveIntuitive Coaching Calls
  • Unlimited email support for when you need the answers to you most burning questions NOW!
  • 2 – 10 minute – Laser Focus, whenever you need them emergency calls

In this age of technology when everyone seems to be multi-tasking, what a treasure to have an empathetic ear at your disposal, someone to really listen to you and witness your life’s journey. It’s a priceless gift!

Value:                        Priceless

Investment:             $450 Per Month

This is a monthly auto bill option and will be billed on the first of each month until you say, “Thanks, I got it!”


  • End Bonus Session: To review, evaluate, acknowledge and celebrate your successes

Sign up now! Email Pati using the form below to get started (Pati will make payment arrangements with you directly)

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