Evolve To Live


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To develop gradually. Especially from a simple to a more complex form.
















In a world full of “instant” and “immediate” – be gentle with the evolution of yourself. You are an ever-changing masterpiece and that gorgeous shit takes time.

Mission Statement

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Evolve to Live is a non-profit educational outreach organization dedicated to raising awareness and providing resources to people in transition by promoting Self-Care as a critical component of preventative health medicine. 

How it All Began

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Pati began her healing journey over 30 years ago when life as she knew it went south. She knew that there had to be more to life than she had been taught. She began to study with spiritual directors, healers and shaman.

From her own personal journey, she began to see the blessing in embracing change and giving herself permission to learn and practice self-care techniques, something she knew nothing about. She was then able to see that life can, and should, be lived with passion and joy.

Pati believes that all things in life happen FOR us and not TO us. All paths lead to the evolution of the soul. When we begin to understand this, we see the blessings in all life situations and value the opportunity for personal growth, rather than see them as failures or burdens.

Wanting to make a difference in the world, Pati founded Evolve to Live – a non-profit organization providing education about true self-care and the many health benefits when practiced regularly.

Pati is a wandering nomad and can never be found in the same place for more than a few weeks. Today, she continues her journey on the road, living life, playing, supporting and educating others along the way.


Pillars of Evolve to Live (Foundation)

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Evolve to Live Pillars

(Read more about these in any one of my three books.)

The following phrases in bold are the things that are unique to Evolve to Live.
These are things that I discovered while on my journey of Coming Home to Self.

The Invitation: Life changes
We get many opportunities to make choices and shifts in our lives. I call this The Invitation. Sometimes we accept the invitation and sometimes we resist it. It really doesn’t matter. We have all the time that we need. The opportunities will keep presenting themselves until we’re ready to move forward.

Becoming Real: Discovering who we are, (not who we became), who we were created to be, and discovering what gifts we have been given to share with the world.

We can’t be in relationship with anyone, including ourselves, God or others
until we know who it is that we’re in relationship with. (Our true selves)

 The Shift: Permission to change, grow for the evolve.
Shifting from the 1st to the 2nd Half of Life. Learning to see things from another perspective. For example, beginning to feel… rather than to think… our way through life.

The Journey of the Soul: The reason we are here on this earth – evolution of the soul. All soul journeys are different. The one thing they have is common is learning love, beginning with self-love, which is where all love, compassion, inclusiveness and oneness with others and God begins.


10 Tips for Self-Care

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10 Tips for Self-Care 

  1. Put on your filter – Don’t take everything in
  2. Don’t take ANYTHING personally
  3. Live in the moment – NO regrets or expectations
  4. Perfect the art of saying “NO.”
  5. Give others an opportunity to grow (Butt Out!)
  6. Practice BALANCE in all areas of life
  7. Learn BOUNDARIES – Fences make good neighbors
  8. Don’t let others or things define who you are
  9. Practice Clear & Direct Communication
  10. See things from another perspective

BONUS:    Have gratitude for ALL things – trust that everything is happening in Divine Order!

Remember: Things happen FOR us and not TO us!