We will say it again – Self-Care has never been more IMPORTANT than it is right now! Why? On the Self-Care Awareness Summer Tour 2018, I witnessed first hand the anxiousness, anxiety and stress many of us seem to be under. From the pressures of modern technology, careers, jobs, families, and not to forget political tensions, many of us have little time, space or resources, to do anything for ourselves.
Self-Care is much bigger than we think.
To describe Self-Care in a single sentence – Self-Care is really just about becoming an advocate for yourself.
Here are a few things that Self-Care encompasses.
• Self-Care is about paying attention to you, your body and your emotions.
• Self-Care is about checking in with yourself in each moment
• Self-Care is setting healthy boundaries
• Self-Care is learning and practicing clear and direct communication
• Self-Care is about learning to appreciate and love yourself
• Self-Care is about living your life with joy… guilt free!
Pati’s Story:
From my own personal experience, it was lack of Self-Care that brought me to the edge of the end of my life. Was I dying physically… maybe… but certainly I was headed for a major emotional breakdown.
I had come to the end of a time, where I had spent my entire life caring for, giving to, and doing for… everyone but me. I had no idea that I had to replenish what I had been depleting for the first 50 years of my life. And frankly, when I did begin to ask for help, there was none… at least that I was aware of. (Read more of my story)
Lack of Self-Care does more damage to our lives than we or even most professionals give it credit for.
In fact, I believe that the lack of Self-Care is so underestimated in our society that I have spent the past ten years of my life devoted to raising awareness of the extreme importance and urgency needed in beginning to take responsibility for ourselves.
My journey led me to founding of Evolve to Live, a non-profit 501 (c)(3), educational outreach, dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of Self-Care in each of our own individual lives. Plus, rolling out the concept and importance of Self Care Awareness on a National Basis – more on this below
The benefits of practicing personal Self-Care, are too numerous to mention but here are a few to get us started.
• When we take care of our own needs first we are better equipped to help others
• Our health improves
• Our emotional stability improves
• Our out look on life improves
• We smile more
• We live our lives with purpose and joy
• We discover who we were created to be
• We become our own best friend
• We love ourselves
Not to mention… taking care of ourselves brings us joy and joy is the highest energetic vibration. When we raise our energetic vibration, in turn, it raises the vibration of those around us. So… if there is one thing that YOU can do for the betterment of society… it is to take care of yourself!
The bottom line, when we take time to care for ourselves, become our own best friend, listen to what our bodies are telling us, live consciously in each moment, in short,
Be as Kind to ourselves as we are to everyone else
The end result is that we will live in a world filled with peace and harmony. Why? Because we will not be giving away all the pieces that we ourselves need to make us whole. And when we are happy, fulfilled and well taken care of, then we can serve others with joy in our hearts.
I can hear many now… “I can’t afford any spare time or money for that matter!”
Let me ask you this; “Can you afford not to take the time or money for yourself?”
It is just like saving money (and actually easier!)… “Pay yourself first … put some away before paying everything else… otherwise there won’t be anything left for you at the end.”
So true… if you don’t take some time for you… conscious time… there won’t be any at the end of the day. Now, feelings of resentment, frustration or anger may occur. And then those feelings often times get transferred to others as displaced anger. Now, you don’t want that to happen to your friends and loved ones do you?
Let’s just start this way… right now… you can do it without any investment of time or money. Just close your eyes, okay, you’d better read this line first. Take a deep breath in to the count of four. Feel the chest rise as your lungs begin to fill to the top; Now pause for the count of four; then exhale… completely… pushing all of the old, stale air out. Now give one last final exhale.” Okay, now do it. You see, it wasn’t even 30 seconds. That’s Self-Care in a nutshell. Great beginning. You were taking time just for You. Next, just be still and listen. Our bodies, our surroundings… are a wealth of wisdom if we are still long enough to hear. Listen and Feel.
Hermann Hesse said – When we are stricken and cannot bear our lives any longer, then a tree has something to say to us: Be still! Be still! Look at me! Life is not easy, life is not difficult. Those are childish thoughts. . . . Home is neither here nor there. Home is within you, or home is nowhere at all.
Don’t you feel better already??
We‘ve heard that it takes a minimum of 21 days to form a new habit. However studies are now indicating that to form new, more complicated habits, it takes longer. That is why Evolve to Live sponsored Self-Care Awareness Month, to be recognized and celebrated each September, beginning with 2017.
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