“Want less stress and more bliss?…Self-Care” Pati Hope

Self-Care is bigger than we think! When we hear the words Self-Care, most of us think of treats, indulgences and rewards. But Self-Care really is much more. Although they can be a part of self-care, Self-Care goes far  beyond that. Self-Care is a Daily – Life Long – Practice.

On the other hand, Lack of Self-Care can do more damage than we give it credit for! When we refuse to take time to refuel, it is detrimental to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

There are as many ideas about what self-care truly is as there are people on the planet. But in a nut shell, self-care is about awareness of ourselves. What we like, what we need, what we want, what makes us happy and sad.

In essence, self-care is as simple as becoming an advocate… for the most important person in your life… YOU!

When we refuse to take time for ourselves, it can lead to all kinds of ailments both physically and emotionally. If we don’t take time and listen to what our bodies are telling us, we push through… we are surprised when some kind of ailment or dis-ease enters into our life.

Many of us live our lives on a layaway philosophy. We work ourselves into oblivion with the hopes that “Someday…when… ” We will allow ourselves time to relax, travel, and do all of the things that we’ve put off all these years. Self-Care is about incorporating someday into now!

According to CNBC, over 200 million people forfeited their vacations in the year 2018. That wasn’t you was it?

Self-Care is something that should happen all day everyday. Sneak a little time for you among the chores of everyday living, Get in touch with you… feel into ‘how can I make this day better for me?” Sounds selfish? Self centered? How about rewording that and say that we are simply centering ourselves. Now, what can be bad about that?

When we take time and take responsibility for our own well-being, we will increase our self-love, and the quality of all relationships; whether it’s family, friends or work colleagues. I venture to even say that all aspects of our health, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually can improve as well.

How do you begin taking time for yourself? It can simply begin with a breath. A conscious, inhale and and a conscious exhale. When we connect with our breath… it is time that is only between us and our being. It’s a very loving, intimate gesture.

Then, beyond that, think of what it means to be a good friend or loving parent. Treat yourself that way. Say nice things to YOU, Smile at yourself, when you hear negative talk come out of your mouth, apologize to yourself and reframe it in a positive loving manner,

You are conceivable the only person you will know you’re entire life. Become your own best friend.  It’s time to take care of YOU! It’s YOUR Turn!

Happy Self-Care Awareness Month!

(Evolve to Live was the catalyst that got Self-Care Awareness recognized on the National Calendar in 2017!)