A few years ago, rather than making New Year’s Resolutions… I began picking a word that would reflect the intention… the standard… I wanted to hold myself to, for the coming year. A word that I could ask myself when in doubt about a situation, “Is this in alignment with my intention?” I wasn’t always successful, but it seemed like I had an accountability partner… something concrete to remind me of how I wanted to move forward in my life.
The word I picked last year was authenticity….
That was quite an undertaking. First, I needed to define what that meant in my own personal life. What did being true to myself and my well-being look like. Being authentic to myself didn’t come that easy. As an Adult Child of an Alcoholic, I have trouble feeling… let alone, putting those feelings into words. And then the infamous… “What would people say?” would inevitably creep in.
But the real added bonus was… the word authenticity really gave me an opportunity to see and experience my own self-judgments. Where I was not letting myself evolve… “as it’s the way it’s always been.”
As difficult as it was… Remaining true to my word, I ended the year with a 2-week trip to Bulgaria for an Ayurveda Health Reset, which was a very authentic thing for me to do.
Now, I began thinking about my word for 2020. The theme that seems to come up for me a lot is conscious living. I know, I don’t much like it either as it’s a phrase that has been over used, so I began researching exactly what does living consciously exactly mean.
Conscious is a Latin word whose original meaning was “knowing” or “aware.” So a conscious person has an awareness of their environment and their own existence and thoughts.
What was I wanting for myself? Consciously living for my health, for the environment, but not getting stuck in any one area, overly conscious, self-conscious or obsessing. I just wanted a word that would help me to stay aware of how I wanted to evolve next. I wanted a word that would help me make a difference in my daily routine, while on or off the road.
And so it is. This year my word two words are Conscious Living… what I’m eating, buying, and the things I’m willing to put my time and energy into.
What will your word be?
Happy Roarin’ 2020’s… Just remember… things have to die in order to be born new, better. It’s true with ourselves, as well as our community, states and country.
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